Ukraine , land of traditions

Ukraine is a diverse country with many unique and interesting traditions. Different ethnic groups and religions have enriched and improved our culture over the centuries.
Christianity was introduced to Kyivan Rus, Ukraine’s predecessor, in 988. Prior to that, Ukrainian ancestors were pagans. However, they did not completely abandon pagan traditions after changing their religion. It is for this reason that now in many Ukrainian religious holidays we can observe a special combination of ancient pagan customs and Christian belief.
Also there are 7 traditional Ukrainian festivals and 3 “strange” Ukrainian customs

Ukrainians live in a country where daily life has often been unstable. They have therefore learned to adapt to constantly changing rules.

The influence of the Russian Orthodox Church along with a long history of turbulent economic times, unstable governments and unfavorable climatic conditions create what may seem rather peculiar approach to life. This is compensated by their sense of hospitality.


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